Happ bar 36000 Puffs are the brand’s newest and highest level of disposable e-cigarette products available, with technological advancements that allow for a better customer experience.
Happbar 36000 Puffs has a built-in high quality, long-lasting 650mah battery and can be recharged using the international standard Type-c connector, which reduces the cost of ownership for our customers. Currently our products can provide 2% and 5% nicotine can be selected, suitable for different customers according to their different favourite products.
Happbar 36000 Puffs We currently offer 13 flavours which have been precisely blended to suit the smoking habits of our European customers and to satisfy the majority of our customers’ preferences, with a minimum order of 50pcs and a choice of up to 5 different flavours we give our customers more choice.
Happbar 36000 Puffs comes with 40ml of pre-filled E-juice, which can be smoking about 36000 puffs, and our product is equipped with an electronic display that allows you to track the oil and power consumption of the product at any time and anywhere, thus avoiding the burnt flavour that can be caused by running out of oil, which can be a bad experience for the customer.
Happ bar 36000 Puffs Features:
- Puff: 36,000puffs
- Содержание никотина: 2%, 5%
- Емкость аккумулятора: 650 мАч
- Перезаряжаемый или нет: Порт для зарядки TYPE-C
- Сопротивление: 1,0 Ом
- E-juice capacity: 40ml
- Flavour: 13 flavors
Happ bar 36000 Puffs Flavors:
- Вишневый лед
- Кола Айс
- Лимон-лайм
- Любовь 66
- Мамба
- Мистер Блю
- Персиковый лед
- Кислое яблоко
- Банан с клубникой
- Клубничный лед
- Клубника и киви
- Клубнично-ванильная кола
- Арбузный лед
Список упаковки:
1pcs каждая одиночная коробка
10pcs каждый коробка дисплея
200pcs каждая коробка

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